This is how we promote health research at our SRH University of Health!
In higher education, research achievements are important indicators of scientific success. Our guiding principle "Health needs smart minds" therefore also plays an important role in the exciting field of our health research, and so we award a research prize once a year, which is intended to serve as an incentive to continue achieving excellent research performance in the future.
The previous award winners at a glance
The award winners are proposed by the study programs and selected by a jury of experts from our SRH University of Health.
- Category "Promotion of the academization of the health professions" Prof. Dr. Hiltraut Paridonfor her work on "And suddenly everything was different: Digitalization experiences of health care teachers".
- Category "National and international recognition and collaboration of the SRH University of Applied Sciences in Health": Prof. Dr. Benjamin Barsties von Latoszek for his work "The cepstral spectral index of dysphonia, the acoustic voice quality index and the acoustic breathiness index as novel multiparametric indices for acoustic assessment of voice quality"
- Category "Student research papers": Kyra Heydrich, graduate in the bachelor's program in speech therapy, with the topic "The interface of speech therapy in the interdisciplinary process of gender reassignment from male to female".
- Additional category: Susann Högg, graduate and staff member in the master's program in Neurorehabilitation, honored for her work on "Resistive strength training for arm rehabilitation after stroke." This appeared in "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews" (issue 10/2021).
- Category 2: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Barsties von Latoszek for the research work on "Objective voice diagnostics with regard to acoustic multiparametric indices".
- Category 4: Katrin Bufe for the bachelor thesis "Effects of the nurse-patient relationship on compliance to hygienic hand disinfection" (thesis supervised by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Koch)
- Category Z: Prof. Dr. Tobias Erhardt and Prof. Dr. Björn Eichmann for the SRH-Health Migration Study
- Robert Leschowski won the research award in the category "Promotion of the academization of health care professions" for his work on the topic "Physician Assistant - Conception of an in-service course of study based on the CORE model".
- For his work on "Scientific evaluation of the interactive, multimedia training program "DigiTrain" to improve the rehabilitation aftercare of patients/insured persons with chronic back pain", Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Tiemann won the research award in the category "Interdisciplinary collaboration to improve health care".
- Due to her constant commitment to the establishment of an international study and further education program for students and employees of the SRH University of Applied Health Sciences Prof. Dr. habil. Claudia Wahn won the research award in the category "National and international recognition and cooperation of the SRH University of Health".
- For his work on the topic "From Man to Man - A Qualitative Survey of Influencing Factors in the Transition Process of Transident Men" Chris Albrecht won the research award in the category "Student Research Papers".
- Due to his constant professional political commitment to academic speech therapy and his formative activities in various state and especially federal committees in the health sector, Prof. Dr. Volker Maihack was honored with a special award.
- For his work on "Robot-assisted therapy after stroke", Prof. Dr. habil. Jan Mehrholz the research award in the category "National and international recognition and cooperation of the SRH University of Health".
- For her work on the topic "Application of a modified variant of P.O.P.T. for the logopedic treatment of a prelingually deafened cochlear implant patient - verification by means of a single case study" the student Lia Jannasch (Logopaedics, B. Sc.) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Raimund Böckler won the research award in the category "Student research work".
- For her work on "Working psychosocial aspects of obesity" Prof. Dr. habil. Claudia Luck-Sikorski won the research award in the category "National and international recognition and cooperation of the SRH University of Health".
- For his work on "Training of deep muscles in the context of multimodal pain therapy", Prof. Dr. Melvin Mohokum won the research award in the category "Special category".
- For her work on the topic "Intensive therapy in a professional speaker with hypofunctional dysphonia using the accent method" Silvana Schröder, alumna Logopaedics B. Sc., in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Stier and Prof. Dr. Raimund Böckler, won the research award in the category "Interdisciplinary collaboration to improve health care".
- For his work on the topic "Cochrane Reviews on non-invasive brain stimulation", Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsner won the research award in the category "National and international recognition and collaboration of the SRH University of Applied Sciences for Health".
Our award winners
Our research funding
We also support health research at our university of health with our start-up financing of pilot and feasibility studies for employees as well as publication-worthy final theses of our students at all locations.
In doing so, we pursue the goal of sustainably supporting the research landscape of the SRH University of Health and serving the scientific profile building.
The decision on the funding amount is based on the feasibility of the subsequent publication and/or third-party funding, and in particular on the relation to the research focus of the respective study program as well as the university as a whole (see research mission statement).
Notes on the application
An application for research funding can be submitted by employees of the university as well as by students in cooperation with employees of the university.
Here we have compiled valuable tips on how to apply: from how to use the funds to how to apply.
Guideline for the preparation of the progress report
You can download it here.
Start-up funding for pilot and feasibility studies
To provide you with a comprehensive overview of our previous start-up funding, we have compiled the start-up funding for the years 2013 to 2020 here.
- Prof. Dr. Susanne Hardecker: Can the doll be to blame? A study on children's understanding of dolls
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Wick: Target group specific project funding within the framework of the SHI Alliance
- Prof. Dr. Rita Wittelsberger: Physiotherapeutic (manual) cervical spine assessment and therapy in headache patients
- Julia König: Therapy of acquired reading disorder: breaking new ground based on a network model.
- Prof. Dr. Dorothea Portius & Prof. Dr. Sandra Meusel: Healthier Lives Easier; GeLLe Study.
- Exercise Therapy Hemodialysis Patients (Prof. Dr. Rita Wittelsberger)
- Communication and interaction with managers in social enterprises (Prof. Dr. Sandra Meusel)
- Defiance phase as a critical developmental phase for parents and child (Prof. Dr. Anne Henning)
- Mindful Garden (Prof. Dr. Katharina Wick)
- ipHIT (individualised progressive Hip Impingement Training) (Prof. Dr. Björn Eichmann)
- Mindful Garden (Prof. Dr. Katharina Wick)
- ipHIT (individualised progressive Hip Impingement Training) (Prof. Dr. Björn Eichmann)
- Stepping2Health (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsner, Mario Heinzmann, Vera Rähmer, Daniel Völker)
- Changes in the cooperation between physicians and nursing staff due to the professionalization of the nursing profession (Prof. Dr. Hiltraut Paridon, Frank Ludwig)
- Evaluation of the instrument Mini-ICF-APP-W for the description of psychologically relevant ability requirements at work (Prof. Dr. Beate Muschalla)
- Arm strength training in the subacute phase after stroke. A randomized controlled study (Prof. Dr. habil. Jan Mehrholz, Susan Högg)
- Measurement of reading performance and reading skills (Prof. Dr. Muna van Ermingen-Marbach)
- Network meta-analysis incl. extension of the software Stata 14 (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsner)
- Multi-year clinical randomized controlled trial on arm strength training in the subacute phase after stroke (Prof. Dr. habil. Jan Mehrholz, Mrs. Höck)
- NetMeta Project (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsner)
- Fear of Fat - An experimental approach to study its effects (Prof. Dr. habil. Claudia Luck-Sikorski)
- Projekt FITonICU (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsner und Bettina Scheffler)
- Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Gruppen-Interventionsprogramm für Kinder und Eltern bei Trennung und Scheidung (Prof. Dr. habil. Claudia Luck-Sikorski, Prof. Dr. Katrin Schulz, Sarah Störch und Tim Dieterichs)
- Study within the project "Brain-Gym in dementia in outpatient care. Possibilities of increasing concentration to improve daily living skills." (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Morgenstern and Christina Gentzsch)
- Evaluation of a training for the reduction of fear of falling (Prof. Dr. Franziska Einsle; Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsner and Eric Wiedulwild)
- Vocationally Qualifying University Graduates: A Training on Leadership Behavior for Students (Sabrina Simchen-Schubert)
- Investigation of the lnter- and lntra-rater variability of Rosenbek's P/A scaling in video-endoscopic dysphagia diagnostics (FEES) in the 1st to 6th year of life under 'consideration of different assessor qualification (Prof. Dr. Raimund Böckler)
- Voice frequency during standardized exposure therapy: indicator for specific or non-specific mechanisms of action of psychotherapy? (Jennifer Spiegel, Prof. Dr. Franziska Einsle)
- Physician as patient: Do general practitioners and specialists differ with regard to their illness behavior (Grit Bungenberg, Sandra Hänsch, Linda Nestler).
- Pilot study on the feasibility of an interdisciplinary training to reduce fear of falling (Prof. Dr. Franziska Einsle)
- A situated learning concept for resource activation (Dr. Christine Johannes)
- The use of Brain-Gym according to Dennison with dementia patients - possibilities of increasing concentration to improve everyday skills (Doreen Krug)
- Active aging - a regional needs analysis (Prof. Dr. Katrin Schulz)
- The influence of spatial navigation training on spatial and non-spatial cognitive performance of patients with mild and moderate Parkinson's disease (Astrid Stahlmann)