SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit
Research Associate

Katrin Möckel

Research assistant in the bachelor's degree programme in medical education

Phone: +4936577340721
About me

About me

Katrin Bufe has been a research assistant in the Bachelor's degree programme in Medical Education and the Master's degree programme in Medical and Health Education at the Gera Campus since October 2020. In addition to organisational activities, her duties include teaching in various modules as well as taking exams and teaching samples. She is also the contact person for thesis planning workshops.

Within the scope of her work, she was also active as a lecturer in the further and advanced training of practice instructors at the SRH clinics until December 2021.

After successfully completing her training as a healthcare and nursing assistant, Katrin Bufe worked for eight years in an interdisciplinary surgical intensive care unit at Leipzig University Hospital. She was then able to pass on this practical experience as a medical educator at the Asklepios Training Centre for Healthcare Professions in Weißenfels. Her core task during her work there from November 2017 to September 2020 included the implementation of theoretical and practical teaching in the training of health care nurses, nursing assistants and nursing specialists. In addition, she fulfilled organisational tasks as class leader and was involved in the final examinations. As the interface between theory and practice, Katrin Bufe was responsible for the planning of practical assignments for all classes and for organising and conducting regular meetings of practical instructors.

During her professional career, Katrin Bufe graduated from the SRH University of Health with a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Medical Education. Her scientific interests lie particularly in the field of (intensive) care as well as pedagogy and practice guidance.


I have contributed to these publications

Bufe, K. (2019). Zu Effekten von Schulungen als Einzelintervention auf Complianceraten zur Händedesinfektion. Lehren & Lernen im Gesundheitswesen, (2/2019), S. 63-71.