Health research at our SRH University of Health is a success story!
Our research report
After 2020, 2021 was again a year that focused on Covid-19 and research. While in the first year of the pandemic the fascination with science and scientists was still predominant, 2021 was characterized to a much greater extent by a critical view and evaluation of science. While in 2020 people were still listening carefully and with interest, in the past year it was more difficult for parts of the public to endure and support the contradictions and steps of scientific knowledge.
A good example for this assessment are certainly the debates about the effect and effectiveness of the available vaccines. One cannot blame anyone for a certain disillusionment when the indications increased that not one, nor two, but apparently at least three vaccinations will be necessary - and that these will also have to be assessed differently in terms of their effectiveness when new variants appear. As a scientist:in, this is day-to-day business, because hypotheses are not verified but falsified in terms of scientific theory. For the public, however, this is of central importance in the understanding of science. Efforts must therefore focus on science communication to a broad public as much as on the results for public health care itself. Science communication and practical projects have always been concerns of the SRH University of Health. Last year, we succeeded in bringing our projects to life through a large number of press releases and public events. In addition, we were able to strengthen our team with habilitated colleagues and thus further expand the focus on research at our university. At 13 locations and study centers in Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein, research is integrated into 19 study programs and brought to life.
We look forward to this task in 2022 as well - in the hope that Covid-19 will not significantly shape this year as well.