SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit
Research Associate

Annette Rustemeier

Research assistant in the training-integrating bachelor's degree programme in speech therapy, B.Sc.

Phone: 0365 773407-0
About me

About me

Annette Rustemeier, health and nursing nurse and qualified social pedagogue, has been a research assistant since July 2010 with shares in the B. Sc. speech therapy, B. A. medical pedagogy and B. Sc. nursing degree programmes as well as selected research projects at the SRH University of Health Campus Düsseldorf. Sc. Nursing as well as selected research projects at the SRH University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf.

The main focus of teaching in the B. Sc. Speech Therapy in the methodological modules (M 23 Scientific Work II and M 24 Evidence-based Medicine and Application of Research Methods in Speech Therapy) as well as in the basics of the health care system (M 26 Health Care Systems and Policy, Professional Law and Law of Social Service Systems). In the study programme B.A. Medical Education, the focus is on the pedagogical modules Educational Science and Subject Didactics (M 4 Educational Science, M 8 Subject Didactics I and M 10 Subject Didactics II) as well as in the study programme B. Sc. Nursing in the methods (Module I.2 The Diagnostic Process) and the study foci A.II Critical Care, B Guidance and Counselling and C Managing Cases and Processes.

She participated in the research project Flexicare 50+ - Flexible and Demography-Sensitive Learning in Nursing in 2011-2014. The subject was the provision and testing of online-supported and mobile learning scenarios and communities for employees in the 50+ age group in inpatient care. This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund of the European Union.

From 1995 to 2010, she was the head of an educational institution with the tasks of conception, professional management and teaching in the areas of training in geriatric care, further training in nursing, as well as acquisition and responsible implementation of selected nursing science projects. During this period, she developed and implemented concepts based on nursing science for various institutions.

E-Mail: annette.rustemeier-holtwick@srh.d




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