SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit

Prof. Dr. habil. Karin Berendes

Professor for the bachelor's degree program in speech therapy, B. Sc.

Phone: +497112287972
About me

About me

Since 2019, Dr. habil. Karin Berendes has been Professor of Speech Therapy at the SRH University of Applied Sciences at the Stuttgart Campus.

After Prof. Dr. habil. Karin Berendes completed her training as a speech therapist, she was employed as a speech therapist in several practices.

From 2002 to 2007, she studied teaching and research logopedics at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, whereupon she successfully completed her doctorate in human biology (Dr. rer. biol. hum.) in 2011.

From 2010 to 2019, Prof. Dr. habil. Karin Berendes worked as a research assistant in various projects, for example in the interdisciplinary joint project "Bildungssprachliche Kompetenzen: Requirements, Language Processing and Diagnostics" (BiSpra) of the Research Initiative Language Diagnostics and Language Support (FiSS).

Since 2018, she has been working as a teacher for German as a second and foreign language at FOKUS Stuttgart. In 2019, Prof. Dr. habil. Karin Berendes received her habilitation and venia legendi in empirical educational research and educational psychology.



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